Friday 12 April 2013

★ Manifesto diri ★


hye gorgeous, hye sweetie..
semua dah tahu trikh mengundi jatuh pada 5 Mei... jumm ramai2 kita turun mengundi.. ---> bajet mcam cukup umur.. (=..='')  manifesto dah bertukar jadi akur janji.. maka dengan ini saya nak jugak bwat manifesto utk diri sendri...

Akurjanji ''izreenrasid'' ◕‿◕

❧  more blessings from Allah. Amin...
❧  be a better person
❧  less shopaholic
❧  less bajet minyak kereta
❧  no more stayup tgk movie
❧  less sleep ( my habit)
❧  less midnight movie
❧  get better grades for midterm ..
❧  complete all my assignments on time.. (mata ke atas, tgn di bahu =.=')
❧  berjimat !! tanak spend dwet utk bnda yg ntah2 apa
❧  habiskan baca buku yg beli kat bigbadwolf
❧  less topup
❧  less window shopping
❧  no more skip breakfast
❧  no more skip class
❧  create best memories with buddies
❧  race towards goodness. Amin

that's all 
hyee, pretty Muslims.
let rock our imaan! (Y)  fight for Allah, for Islam. Amin...Keep on seeking Him.Try our best to always be near to Allah.

❦ Random things i do ❦


hyehye, tg2km was im free.. yeahh, actually not yet. =..='' another one event to go.. it's karnifep.. wanna talk about tg2km.. tg2km is really awesome.. congrat tg2km crew.. 2 minggu bersengkang mata.. pagi class mlam postmortem.. bajet mcm rajin turun.. tg2km make our relationship more closer...event tg2km tersgatlah gempak,happening, bombastics,meriah, fun,seronok, best n blablabla... tpi sayang ta smpat nk masuk rumah hantu.. actually bkn ta sempat... takod takod berani nk masuk, last2 ambik ta msuk terus.. plus tringin nak naik basikal baring tpi diri ini sgt malu nak naik..  ---> bajet pemalu, memng pemalu pown.. harap maklum..
ermm, here are some picca about tg2km..

booth photoshoot :)

senamrobik before explorce :)

mamat poyohh :)

last day, last night, last postmortem, last picca :)

Showcase at TG2KM.  Hopefully one of these cars could be mine.. n maybe one of these owner car could be mine...ngeee.. :D
coming soon  #MyDreamCars

ini semua pooh :)

now,talk about midsem break.. i got bad fever.. arghhh, btw im really happy.. Princess in the house.. yeahh... n another thing, i got parking summonses... this became my third time i got saman..menci polis trafik.. menci,menci !!! i done, abah paid..  yesss ;) 
spending time wif my family is the best things.. lata bayu, here we go ;)

that's all
another post, another story..



Soalan Ramalan Pasca SPM
Terbaik dari MatLuthfi

i like this.. parent should watch this :)